April 2006

Graffiti in the womens room of the bar where i just had an afternoon drink, alone, before my haircut. 🙂

Feels like I did a ton of things today. So how is nothing actually done?

I realize that “what I did” lists aren’t quite as motivating as public accountability “what I’ll do” lists, but it’s helping me a little to see what–if anything–I’m actually doing…

OK. Maybe it’s a public-shaming kind of thing.

  • made appointment for haircut (tomorrow!)
  • emailed advisor about a couple grant applications
  • called REI to check on tent and sleeping bag rentals (NOTE: I’ve been putting off these three things for a couple weeks now. They don’t seem like much, but pretty much anything involving contacting other people is kind of painful and anxiety-producing lately)
  • thought about grant applications
  • came up with readings for Horrible Tutorial and emailed them to student
  • helped Mom with computer tech support over the phone
  • also helped the Wrangler with similar phone support. The Wrangler met a new girl he’s all smitten with, and he broke up with Blanche tonight, so I spent a while on the phone today–and again tonight–giving him pep talks.
  • showered. Hooray!
  • bought a black camisole and a pair of silky pants off eBay. The camisole is to wear for the wedding (maybe), and the silk pants might or might not work for the wedding outfit..but they were super cheap. And pretty, I think. I’ll keep you posted.
  • went to see The Proposition with the Squirrel, Jason, and Gospel Bob. Waited in line for freakin’ ever.
  • Had a drink with the boys after the movie

See? How is that a day’s worth of work? I don’t think there’s any actual “work” on that list. OK, I napped briefly, and hung out with the cats a little. But really–was the entire rest of my day blog-reading?

I was starting to worry that I didn’t have enough irrational phobias. Always nice to add a new one.

Boing Boing: Hole opens in home, swallows man:
“A massive hole suddenly opened up in the kitchen of an Alta, California home, swallowing the owner and killing him. From CNEWS:

Authorities say the home, built in the 1980s, may have been sitting atop a decades-old underground mine. Recent rains could have softened the ground under the home, in an isolated area near Lake Alta.

‘It’s unbelievable,’ Placer County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Dena Erwin said. ‘From the front of the house, it’s absolutely normal. Then, in the middle of the house, is this enormous hole.’

Link (via Fortean Times)”

I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

And I just bought a thing called a BodySlimmer.

The only things keeping me from becoming my mother are the drinking binges and the sleepovers with various friends.

Okay. Here’s the deal. I don’t like bugs. Period. So anything bug-related just freaks me out.

Last weekend I was in Texas. Yes, I know that’s information I’m not supposed to give you, but it’s a big state, and I think being in Texas might be relevant here.

Anyway, I was out in a field helping put up a screen pavilion thing, and the person I was with said “Hey, you’re on an anthill!”, so of course I leapt into the air and off the anthill damn quick. Not quite quick enough, though, as my ankles and shoes were covered with the little fuckers. It took a minute to get them all off (OK, I just poured water over my feet and shoes until they were all DROWNED! HAHAHAHA!), and I got a couple of noticeable bites in the meantime, but I don’t think they were fire ants–the bites were a little painful, but not the OH MY GOD OW OW OW of fire ant bites.

OK. A couple of the bites got a little pimply looking, but a week passed and I didn’t think much about them. Until about three days ago, when my ankles erupted in an agony of itching. What the fuck? So I did a little scratching of the ankles, and now I have little bumps–like *more* bites–all over my ankles, and my toes, and in places I don’t think I had bites before. And they won’t itch for a while, then one will start to itch, then I’m pretty much doomed to an hour of manically scratching and flailing around.

What the hell did they do to me? I’m trying to convince myself that millions of ants are not going to burst through my skin any second. But why would my ankles itch NOW, 9 days after the fact?

I thought for a minute I was going to have to start, you know, working, since I have done exactly nothing work-related this weekend. But BrightStar posted a meme, so I can safely keep doing nothing. Hooray!

Accent: Random pieces of Californian mixed in with stray bits of New England, but nothing too obvious. I pick up accents and inflections way too easily. I had a Canadian accent until I was about 16…though I’m not even vaguely Canadian. Never did figure that out.

Booze: Lots and lots of tequila, these past few days. Oy. It really does pay to get the better stuff.

Chore I Hate: God…most of them. I’m really freakin’ lazy.

Dog or Cat: Well, cats, obviously, since we’re overrun with them here. But if our next apartment is dog-friendly, I think we’ll finally get the dog we’ve been wanting.

Essential Electronics: Laptop and cell phone.

Favorite Cologne(s): Nah, I don’t like the fake smells–I’m all about people’s regular smells. But I do like some of the Demeter scents–like grass, and martini. But I like people who smell like those things naturally better. 🙂

Gold or Silver: Silver, totally. GB got a yellow gold wedding ring, and I got a white gold one, but it’s pretty much like silver.

Hometown: I count two: San Francisco (my later, adult-hometown) and a town that’s small and distinctive enough that I think it’d compromise my anonymity to tell you. But I’m proud of being from there.

Insomnia: No way. My problem is staying awake.

Job Title: Grad student, Teaching Flunky

Kids: Nope. I like other people’s, but never really wanted any. GB and I have been talking lately about maybe adopting someday…but we’ve been talking about getting a dog for years too, and that might be more of a commitment than we’re ready for.

Living arrangements: Me, GB, and the four cats rent this place. And the Roommate lives here too, but we’re counting the days until that’s over.

Most admirable trait: Um…this question makes me uncomfortable. Or is it the trait I find most admirable? Hmm.

Number of sexual partners: Ever? At one time? Right now? I’m not really sure about any of those answers.

Overnight hospital stays: 2 for ear operations (tubes put in) when I was about 6. Tonsils removed when I was 12…and then another overnight stay when it turned out that surgeon fucked up and I almost bled to death. Nothing since, thank goodness.

Phobias: Oh, we so don’t have time for me to answer this question.

Quote: Um…this is quite the highschool yearbook question. I’m losing meme-patience.

Religion: militantly agnostic

Siblings: One older sister, one older brother, one younger sister. We’re all 5 years apart. Weird, right?

Time I wake up: Depends on all sorts of things.

Unusual talent or skill: Um…drinking excessively? Creating excessive amounts of drama?

Vegetable I refuse to eat: I’m not crazy about squashes, but I think I’ll eat almost any veggie.

Worst habit: Worrying. Biting my nails. Biting my cuticles until they bleed. Slacking on personal hygiene. Should I continue?

X-rays: Teeth, lots of spine x-rays when I was 10 (I had scoliosis and wore a back brace for a year), the sprained ankle last year…

Yummy foods I make: Oh…I’m really good at ordering delivery.

Zodiac sign: Virgo Pig.

Okay. Sorry for being a blog tease, and thanks for encouraging my adolescent kissing-and-telling.

First, I would like to point out that I did not sleep with one of these boys last night.* Yes, fine, not really something to congratulate myself for, right? Well, yes…except that the boy I did not sleep with last night was…Bad Idea.

Go me!

Because apparently, getting hitched in 13 days has made me utterly irresistable. Even though there’s no correlation between marriage and monogamy for me & GB, I still must be giving off some sort of “last fling” pheromone or something.

So. There was a small, impromptu party at the Squirrel’s. There was a bottle of bad-ish tequila (bad compared to our usual high tequila standards), which was consumed in shot form far more often than was wise or advisable. There were various intoxicants of other forms, resulting in GB & Jason leaving to go home to their respective beds surprisingly early. There was the Squirrel’s on-and-off ex-girlfriend, and the SoapStar, who you’ll recall has been dating Bad Idea, though her impending cross-country move will end that. And there was Bad Idea, who got fucked up enough to say something very hot and very publicly-inappropriate out loud to me. Mmmm. Bad Idea is a dork, and bears the perfect name, but damn. Yum, you know?

Wait. This is not about Bad Idea.

So everyone was eventually roused and shooed and stumbled away. The Squirrel put a DVD on, and I promptly passed out in his bed.**

Oh yeah. How hot is that?

Hey, thanks for listening. You’ve been a great audience.

*That would be a reference to the photo that was not-quite-anonymous enough and had to go.
**Yeah. You knew there was going to be a footnote there, right? Well, I did pass out, really. But since I can only take the adolescent-kiss-and-tell thing so far, I don’t think I should blog about what happened from the time the Squirrel and I woke up at 6 am until I phone-blogged my walk of shame at 10. I’m way too much of a lady for that.

Oh, and–not that you care–but the photo has a limited lifespan here, and I’ll take it down later today, but it’s a cute phone-pic, even incognito, I think. But why does my new phone take crappier pictures than my old phone?

Question (answer kindly please): am i too old, and is it too late in the day, for a walk of shame?

As seen at Overread’s, then at Sheepish’s, and most recently at Jesse’s.* Like Jesse, I’m bolding the ones I’ve seen, and italicizing the ones I’ve seen part of, or drunkenly fallen asleep during. Clearly, this is just for my entertainment. You’re on your own.

Oh, right, the source–it’s a Roger Ebert list. Why do we care about Roger Ebert, again? I don’t know. But memes are good for easy entertainment, and kicking up the number of blog posts.

“2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) Stanley Kubrick
“The 400 Blows” (1959) Francois Truffaut
“8 1/2” (1963) Federico Fellini
“Aguirre, the Wrath of God” (1972) Werner Herzog
“Alien” (1979) Ridley Scott
“All About Eve” (1950) Joseph L. Mankiewicz
“Annie Hall” (1977) Woody Allen
“Bambi” (1942) Disney
“Battleship Potemkin” (1925) Sergei Eisenstein
“The Best Years of Our Lives” (1946) William Wyler
“The Big Red One” (1980) Samuel Fuller
“The Bicycle Thief” (1949) Vittorio De Sica
“The Big Sleep” (1946) Howard Hawks
“Blade Runner” (1982) Ridley Scott
“Blowup” (1966) Michelangelo Antonioni
“Blue Velvet” (1986) David Lynch
“Bonnie and Clyde” (1967) Arthur Penn
“Breathless” (1959) Jean-Luc Godard
“Bringing Up Baby” (1938) Howard Hawks
“Carrie” (1975) Brian DePalma
“Casablanca” (1942) Michael Curtiz
“Un Chien Andalou” (1928) Luis Bunuel & Salvador Dali
“Children of Paradise” / “Les Enfants du Paradis” (1945) Marcel Carne
“Chinatown” (1974) Roman Polanski
“Citizen Kane” (1941) Orson Welles
“A Clockwork Orange” (1971) Stanley Kubrick
“The Crying Game” (1992) Neil Jordan
“The Day the Earth Stood Still” (1951) Robert Wise
“Days of Heaven” (1978) Terence Malick
“Dirty Harry” (1971) Don Siegel
“The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie” (1972) Luis Bunuel
“Do the Right Thing” (1989) Spike Lee
“La Dolce Vita” (1960) Federico Fellini
“Double Indemnity” (1944) Billy Wilder
“Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” (1964) Stanley Kubrick
“Duck Soup” (1933) Leo McCarey
“E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” (1982) Steven Spielberg
“Easy Rider” (1969) Dennis Hopper
“The Empire Strikes Back” (1980) Irvin Kershner
“The Exorcist” (1973) William Friedkin
“Fargo” (1995) Joel & Ethan Coen
“Fight Club” (1999) David Fincher
“Frankenstein” (1931) James Whale
“The General” (1927) Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman
“The Godfather,” “The Godfather, Part II” (1972, 1974) Francis Ford Coppola
“Gone With the Wind” (1939) Victor Fleming
“GoodFellas” (1990) Martin Scorsese
“The Graduate” (1967) Mike Nichols
“Halloween” (1978) John Carpenter
“A Hard Day’s Night” (1964) Richard Lester
“Intolerance” (1916) D.W. Griffith
“It’s A Gift” (1934) Norman Z. McLeod
“It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946) Frank Capra
“Jaws” (1975) Steven Spielberg
“The Lady Eve” (1941) Preston Sturges
“Lawrence of Arabia” (1962) David Lean
“M” (1931) Fritz Lang
“Mad Max 2” / “The Road Warrior” (1981) George Miller
“The Maltese Falcon” (1941) John Huston
“The Manchurian Candidate” (1962) John Frankenheimer
“Metropolis” (1926) Fritz Lang
“Modern Times” (1936) Charles Chaplin
“Monty Python and the Holy Grail” (1975) Terry Jones & Terry Gilliam
“Nashville” (1975) Robert Altman
“The Night of the Hunter” (1955) Charles Laughton
“Night of the Living Dead” (1968) George Romero
“North by Northwest” (1959) Alfred Hitchcock
“Nosferatu” (1922) F.W. Murnau
“On the Waterfront” (1954) Elia Kazan
“Once Upon a Time in the West” (1968) Sergio Leone
“Out of the Past” (1947) Jacques Tournier
“Persona” (1966) Ingmar Bergman
“Pink Flamingos” (1972) John Waters
“Psycho” (1960) Alfred Hitchcock
“Pulp Fiction” (1994) Quentin Tarantino
“Rashomon” (1950) Akira Kurosawa
“Rear Window” (1954) Alfred Hitchcock
“Rebel Without a Cause” (1955) Nicholas Ray
“Red River” (1948) Howard Hawks
“Repulsion” (1965) Roman Polanski
“Rules of the Game” (1939) Jean Renoir
“Scarface” (1932) Howard Hawks
“The Scarlet Empress” (1934) Josef von Sternberg
“Schindler’s List” (1993) Steven Spielberg
“The Searchers” (1956) John Ford
“The Seven Samurai” (1954) Akira Kurosawa
“Singin’ in the Rain” (1952) Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly
“Some Like It Hot” (1959) Billy Wilder
“A Star Is Born” (1954) George Cukor
“A Streetcar Named Desire” (1951) Elia Kazan
“Sunset Boulevard” (1950) Billy Wilder
“Taxi Driver” (1976) Martin Scorsese
“The Third Man” (1949) Carol Reed
“Tokyo Story” (1953) Yasujiro Ozu
“Touch of Evil” (1958) Orson Welles
“The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” (1948) John Huston
“Trouble in Paradise” (1932) Ernst Lubitsch
“Vertigo” (1958) Alfred Hitchcock
“West Side Story” (1961) Jerome Robbins/Robert Wise
“The Wild Bunch” (1969) Sam Peckinpah
“The Wizard of Oz” (1939) Victor Fleming

*Hey–all the bloggers I’ve seen do this one so far have been boys. What’s up with that?

What I accomplished today:

  • Went to somewhat-pointless workshop
  • walked home
  • bought more cereal and blackberries (GB and I are living on delivered pizza and cold cereal, as we count the days until The Roommate leaves)
  • napped, briefly
  • watched Law & Order (mostly SVU)
  • ordered, and ate, pizza
  • watched other random TV, halfheartedly, while vaguely perusing wedding websites. (I still have a bit too much pride to link to them, but they may have included theknot.com. I’m not proud of this.)
  • worked on our ceremony/vows
  • glanced at fellowship applications
  • roamed around eBay with no clear purpose

How is it even possible to spend 18 hours and only get those things done?

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